The conversion also should be electronically passive and quite straightforward. I have the samsung migration software already, i only wish to know how to clone one onto another and do i need to disconnect the battery and if so how. Understanding M.2 RAID NVMe SSD Boot and 2/3x M.2 NVME SSD To accomplish this, you will need to purchase a usb to pcie m.2 adapter cable. How to clone m.2 ssd with only one slot . You should back up data on the destination nvme ssd drive because they will be deleted during the clone. If you are looking for a way to clone sata ssd to nvme m.2 drive, you don’t need to consider how many m.2 slots you have. I want to clone that drive to one terabyte m.2 nvme ssd for upgrade purposes. Using it to clone m.2 ssd with only one slot if your computer has only one slot for hard drive. Now, connect the destination nvme ssd drive to your pc (if there is only one nvme m.2 slot, use a usb adapter or usb enclosure to connect the second drive) and make sure it i...